The Year of BETTER

I boldly and faithfully declare this is my “Year of Better.”

Ecclesiastes 9:10 sets the tone for this year.

This year, God will improve all my efforts. I vow to become better in my
discipleship, my stewardship, my relationships, and my communication.

As a better disciple, I commit to studying the Word of God, praying with intention, and listening with my heart. The way I love others proves I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.

I extend grace to others.
I willingly ask for forgiveness, and I quickly forgive offenses. 

As a better steward, I acknowledge all I have is a gift from God. I do not hoard what God gives freely. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit; therefore, I will take care of it.

My time, talent, and tithe are valuable. I will not waste what is holy. Some people, places, and things are not worthy of me. 

I commit to nurturing my relationships with family, friends, neighbors, and community. I release bitterness and anger. I will practice patience.

I will show up for others. Where there is strife, I will pursue peace. Where there is division, I will seek unity. Where there are rifts, I will bring reconciliation.

As a better communicator, truth, kindness, and peace will lead me forward. No corrupt communication will come from my mouth.

I will not gossip nor complain. I will be slow to anger. I speak with the power of life or death.

I choose to breathe life into every word I speak. I choose to speak life over my finances and dreams. I choose to build up rather than tear down.

We will improve this year! The Holy Spirit anoints me, my family, my church, and my kingdom leadership with the power to do better.

In Jesus name. Hallelujah and Amen!

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